Community Rules

Welcome to the Gametelling community! We encourage vibrant discussions and diverse opinions about our content. However, to maintain a respectful and constructive environment, we ask all members to adhere to the following rules when commenting:

Be Respectful

Personal attacks, hate speech, and any form of discriminatory language will not be tolerated. Let's keep discussions focused on the content, not on the individual.

Stay on Topic

Ensure your comments relate to the content of the article. Off-topic discussions can be distracting and may not provide value to the community.

Avoid Spam and Self-Promotion

Comments should contribute to the discussion. Refrain from posting repetitive content, links to external sites, or promoting personal channels, products, or services.

No Spoilers

Please avoid revealing any spoilers about games, unless the article specifically discusses them. If you need to include a spoiler, use a clear warning at the beginning of your comment.

Report, Don't Retaliate

If you believe a comment violates these rules, use the "Report" feature rather than responding to it. Our moderators will review reported comments and take appropriate action.

Constructive Criticism is Welcome

If you disagree with the content or another comment, express your opinion in a constructive manner. Avoid negative language that doesn't contribute to the discussion.

Protect Your Privacy

Never share personal information like your home address, phone number, or any other sensitive data in the comment section. Remember, comments are public.

No Illegal Content

Sharing or promoting illegal activities, including pirated games or software, is strictly prohibited.

Language and Profanity

Let's keep our community accessible to everyone. Avoid using excessive profanity, and please comment in English to ensure widespread understanding.

Moderation and Bans

The team reserves the right to remove any comment that violates these rules. Continuous violation may result in a temporary or permanent ban from commenting.

Thank you for being a part of our community! By following these rules, you help ensure that remains a welcoming and informative space for all gaming enthusiasts. Happy discussing!